Cancel Culture Is Built on the Culture of Exploitation and Free Labour

 'Art’ for them basically meant ritualized self-importance, and the domain where these people acquire cultural capital (add insult to injury, this coexisted with the rich local neo avantgarde traditions based on mysticism and seeking freedom). The whole milieu was so thoroughly authoritarian (and embedded into old state nomenclature networks) many thought something like ‘cultural capital’ is an objectively existing value they will acquire from their investment.They adopted critical theory into their authoritarian cognitive frames, and became extreme social constructivists. I kept hearing “everything is politics” - I was so wrapped in my own thoughts I assumed it means everything is ideologically embedded. No, in reality it meant everything is a quest for power. I encountered the “critical constructivists” Bruno Latour has warned us about: a social milieu with a consensus that all social relations are structured by power and the ‘social’ is nothing but the interplay of domination, legitimization, fetishization, reification.

People who were the main ‘activists’ within this milieu tried to pose as cultural workers or artists, yet they did not emerge through the local art scene, where no-one thought of them as ‘one of us’. They were what they were - agents of lobbies pretending their activities belong on the subjective domain beyond politics. Their role was to depoliticize political mobilization, and the toolkit-discourse of contemporary art was instrumentalized for this purpose.

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